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"Despite Canada’s status as a trading nation with exports accounting for more than 30 per cent of GDP, the country's export performance in recent years has been disappointing." 2023 CME report

Creating Connections & Sharing Perspectives

November 8, 2023

This week Trenergy attended the Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME) conference to network and learn about trends in Canada’s manufacturing sector.


CME President & CEO Dennis Darby said that Canada’s economy has stagnated and that manufacturers need a comprehensive national manufacturing strategy to overcome the obstacles they face. These include a national housing crisis, climate change policies, persistent labour and skills shortages, weak investment, sluggish productivity, and declining competitiveness.


During the 3-day conference, a new report by CME was launched, echoing Darby’s concern and warns that Canada’s manufacturing sector is facing multiple challenges that threaten its future. The report – Manufacturing Canada’s Future – is based on consultations with CME members across the country and outlines twenty-two recommendations for governments at all levels to support the sector.


“By working together with industry, governments can create a more competitive business environment for Canadian manufacturers,” Darby said.


The report highlights the importance of international trade for Canada’s economy and the challenges faced by its manufacturing and exporting sectors. It suggests that the government should support domestic production and help Canadian companies, especially SMEs, to access foreign markets and increase their exports. We couldn’t agree more.


Overall, the trip was well worth it. Our team is grateful for the chance to reconnect with leaders from major players such as Enbridge, ArcelorMittal Dofasco & Bruce Power. As a group, we thank CME for organizing this valuable event, and look forward to attending the next one.




TRENERGY INC.Serving ‘Fortune 500’ businesses in the Mining, Energy, Manufacturing, Construction, Transportation & Defense sectors.